Book RG Taylor for your next Speaking Event!

How would you like to have RG Taylor speak at your school, fundraiser,
or other corporate event?

Available speaking engagement ideas:

1. Schools - "Meet the Author" events are a great way to introduce
students to writing and publishing. Each session contains a reading from the authors book, a discussion on the writing and publising processes and Q and A time. The presentation can be adapted for individual classrooms or assemblies.

2. Fundraisers - Not only does RG write but, he is an excellent
communicator as a fundraiser, host, or key note speaker for your

3. Corporate Event - Have a corporate event, sales meeting or
tradeshow and need someone to MC the night? RG will handle all
the introductions of key people, all the "thank yous" to specific
groups, and make sure the night flows smoothly.

4. Other idea - Contact us to explore the possibility!


Do you have a product that you would like R.G. Taylor or Spike to promote? Contact us!

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